Smarter Stronger Children

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About the Author

Ed Mayhew, the creator of Smarter Stronger Children's revolutionary Mega Brain Power Boosters / Muscle Makers, draws experience from his 40 years as a professional educator (physical education teacher, classroom teacher, consultant, tutor & coach). He is the author of several books on the benefits of physical activity for all ages and is a dynamic seminar and workshop presenter. He is available to give workshops and presentations on how easily you can give your students/children that huge advantage (while making life easier and more fun for you, too).

Check out some of his books at

Find out more about his latest book / parent/teacher guide or to get your copy, visit: (and simply type in "Smarter Stronger Children")

To find out more about how Ed can help your school or you, as a parent, and/or to have him present a workshop or make a presentation to your school or organization, you can contact Ed at:

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